5 min readOct 15, 2019


My eyes flood with rivers of salty water, yet i fear the earth weeps with me, the constant state of birth of the universe has and is still facing its fare share of crisis. In this common feeling that we share we have both come to realization that one of us is almost meeting her end.

She blames me for her pain , she says ‘’ wasn’t I the one who gave you love that knew no condition, a love that was so free?’’ I solemnly swearing and telling her that i am not of so, I tell her that I am not of such harm and yet i feel like my own words betray me, ‘’lies’’ she tells me, looking down on me with tainted expression,i could see light fade at her sight, pain that lingered in the truth that she spoke to me, I could no longer avoid the cloud of shame that I walked on, how could i not for she spoke of nothing but truth. In her eyes I was nothing but the devil in disguise, and I had lost the love of my life, but who can blame her and how could she trust me when the devil that brought destruction upon her life looks just like me.

She sang songs of sorrow that swept me of hope, she said ‘’you say you love me , but look at what you have done to water bodies, the oceans that I lovingly poured on empty hollow floors for you now lay in bed with plastic, an enemy of the marine population, the bodies of water have now become home for a high estimate of 100,000,000 tones of plastic debris. The beautiful creatures i flowered the sea with are not only tangled by but also suffocating on ingested debris that you so dare leave behind on the shores, knowing very wells my welcoming tides would swiftly take them in. Rivers eutrophicated, oxygen depleted, careless oil spills in lakes, all in one tarnishing marine , and yet you say you love me?’’

You speak of care towards me yet deny me ability to breath, you purposely plunge fire in my lungs and smoke leaves me short for breath. You cut the roots to my lungs in the name of mans favorite activity to extract a certain assorted need, a necessity you claim and I often wonder if you destroy me knowing I cover 30% of the land I gave you, yet you cut down one and a half acre of me every second. With your big trucks and noisy machines you cut me, 4500 acres of me in one hour, you do it sometimes laughing and sometimes you cuss me for holding on to my roots. Why do you deprive me of existence, growth, life? while i only want to exist to assure sustainability for you, too little for me greater risk for you if you are ever to loose me. I used to cry tears of joy, tears that filled the ocean and blessed land and anything on it but the ugly grey smoke that you blow upon me leaves me flowing with acid tears , poisonous waters that that elevates ecological and environmental imbalance. And what of the marine creatures, haven’t they had their share of poison? parts of me cover 6 to 7% of the surface contain over half of all the plants and animal species in the world, if you kill me where will they go? I love you so much to be willing to offer more than 121 natural remedies for your health troubles but you cut me down anyway, i guess you prefer chemical compounds don’t you?

‘’We will do better’’ I said with my face covered in guilt and in the attempt to avoid meeting eye to eye with her she responded in shock ‘’ you will do better?? save your words for i have no use of empty promises, wasn’t it you who flattered me with false protection since 1989, when you declared freedom for animals, that my beautiful creatures would once more walks on safe lands of no harm, that life would be theirs to claim? but isn’t it you who dresses in fur? drawing breath from Tibetan antelopes, feast in luxury food and take pride in wealth through stolen Pangolins, then you decorate your homes and own jewelry from majestic tusks, these Elephants you poison, the Rhinos you riffle and de-tusk , purposely painting pain on to them. Is it not you who operate black markets where Tigers are snared and pelted for their organs,pelts and bones? killing Gorillas, Lions just for the sake of trophy hunting, a selfish twisted mans idea of pride for collection. What of sea turtles, what did those poor creatures do to you? your greed knows no boundary that you think sharks do not deserve their fins and that blue whales aren’t that important, I mean you cannot go without their oil and blubber right? that you so need to hunt them to extinction. The creatures that i placed freely upon land now declared endangered and soon to perish forever. I could go all day telling you how you ruin me but you already know. It breaks me to see you all jointly scrap beauty from me with your thirst for money aided with corrupt wallets. yet you say you will do better? Do not insult me with mockery as you did with destruction’’ she said.

It was hard to listen to the hurt she poured, it was hard to see how slowly she eroded of light and health, how she gloomed of treachery, my betrayal, our betrayal. Earth is on fire and man being the one who lights the torch let alone add fuel to scorching flames. Is there an end to this madness? when do we stop? must we wait until its too late, must we wait until she decides to stop loving us and take matters in her own hands, where will we go and most importantly what does it say about us? we have become too concerned with greed that we overlook what should come first. It is time that awareness takes route and caution awakened because end might just be approaching if we keep on being the villains she claims us to be, before regret comes upon. As Guy McPherson once said ‘’ if you think the economy is more important than the environment try holding your breath while counting your money’.



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