2 min readApr 9, 2019

Yes you, I really do, its strange maybe because am sitting in the corner of my bathroom writing this down to you for the whole word to see, but oh well... See I really do, for going back and forth for me, for coming when I go running, for seeking me when I go hiding, for calling me at midnight when you notice I am on line, for seeing right through the lies behind my "I am fine" text and deciding to hear the sound of my voice instead, for checking on me when everyone else is fooled by my visible appearances in society.

This note is for every time you make time for me, this love is for every time you decide I am worth your attention. For the number of times you pulled me further from the edges i was about to jump,
from the lines I was about to cross
for holding my hand and making it to the other side of the bridge that you so lovingly built for me, for the late night talks we had of the moon, for every star that we described to one another just so I could find sleep where ever the sky buried it in, you are part of my sanity if not whole.

For making sure I laugh more than I usually cry,
for every hug that warmed my heart when it got cold
for the warmth that unfroze my soul,
for seeing the stream of liquid running down my face when strangers complimented the mascara on my dry eyes,
for seeing the wavy trembling curve of my lips when they told me I always smile,
for showing that beyond everything cruel in this world there is a place for me❤️
I appreciate you

PS; And oh, am just writing this in case you ever show up.

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